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제 1 호 Train Yourself to Everything

  • 작성일 2019-03-26
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 17872

Kicker: Life(Yoga)

Train Yourself to Everything 

Effects of Mind and Body through Yoga

By Ju-eun Yeon/Reporter


  Most people misunderstand about Yoga. They think it is a boring, static exercise. However, \is that really true? Now, I want to clear up the misunderstanding about yoga. Let’s learn about the origin of yoga. And then, I will explain various kinds of yoga like Ashtanga and stretching based on yoga that students can do. Finally, I will show about the effects of mind and body through yoga. Then, let’s enjoy the life of yoga.

a Scene of Yoga

<The Origin and Meaning of Yoga >

  Yoga is a combination of meditation, breathing and stretching. The word “yoga” begins with “yuj(combined)” and becomes “yoga.” The first chapter of the yoga sutra that was written by Patanjali says, “Yoga is about getting rid of your mind’s work.” In this way, yoga is a state in which people control their minds and return to their natural calm. 

  If then, where did yoga start? Clearly, the oldest literature referring to yoga is the Upanisad, which was complied from the 6th century B.C. to the 5th century B.C. Around the 2nd to 4th century A.D., a scripture titled “Yoga sutra” was complied and the yoga academy was created. 

  There are many kinds of yoga. There are Mantra, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, Hatha and Raja yoga. Hatha yoga, which was developed in the 20th century, is actively popular around the world. One of the topics to be covered, Ashtanga, is yoga derived from Hatha yoga.

<What Is Ashtanga?>

  Ashtanga, which is based on Hatha, means the training of eight stages of yoga. In Sanskrit, Ash means eight, and Anga means organization. There are three series, which take about an hour and a half. It is a training method that connects 60 movements constantly. Then, let’s learn about Suriya Namascara, the most basic posture of Ashtanga. Suriya means the sun, Namasucara means the worship. This posture worships the sun through 12 successive poses.

  1. 1. Pranamasana

    The Position of Pranamasana

  Keep the eyes closed. Stand upright with the feet together. Bring the palms to meet in the center of your chest. Relax the whole body.

  1. 2. Hasta Uttanasana

    The Position of Hasta Uttanasana

  Bring the hands shoulder width apart, bring them up over head, and reaching back. You should bend the back slightly.

  1. 3.  Utanasana

    The Position of Utanasana

  Bend forwards from the hips until the finger of palms of the hands touch the floor on either side of the feet. Do not strain.

  1. 4.  Ashwa sanchalanasana

    The Position of Ashwa sanchalanasana

  Stretch the right leg back as far as is comfortable tucking the toes under. At the same time bending the left knee leaving the foot flat on the floor. Arch the back and gaze up to the sky.

  1. 5.  Adho mukha svanasana

    The Position of Adho mukha svanasana

  Bring the palms onto the floor while stepping the left foot back beside the right, while lifting the hips up into the air. Lengthening through the spine, bring the shoulders towards the ankles. Take a few breaths.

  1. 6.  Ashtanga namaskara

    The Position of Ashtanga namaskara

  Coming onto your toes, lower the knees, chin, and chest to the floor. The hips and abdomen remain raised.

  1. 7.  Bhujangasana

The Position of Bhujangasana

  Keeping the hands and feet in place, slide the chest forward and raise the chest up. Opening the shoulders and tilting the head back to look at the sky. The hips and thigh should be on the floor.

  1. 8.  Adho mukha svanasana

  Same as step 5

9.  Ashwa sanchalanasana

  Same as step 4

10.  Utanasana

  Same as step 3

11.  Hasta utanasana

  Same as step 2

12.  Pranamasana

  Same as step 1

<Stretching Based on Yoga that Can Help Students>

  Next, I want to explain a asana that I want to recommend to students who have a tense body due to sitting for a long time.

-Shoulder and waist

1. Dhanurasana

The Position of Bow

  Lift the upper and lower body at the same time. It is good to lose weight by stimulating the stomach as well as the shoulders and waist.


  • 2. Upavistha Konasana

The Position of Vat

  It is called vat position. It strengthens the muscles and ligaments inside and behind the legs, making the leg curves smooth.

<Effects of Yoga>

  In busy city life, most modern people are always tired from stress of body and mind. The body and mind are becoming unbalanced. Modern people can train their minds and regain the body’s harmony through yoga training. In detail, yoga consists largely of movement(Asana), breathing and meditation. Among them, Asana has the effect of helping you be more flexible and cleansing your mind. If you move muscles that you do not normally use through Asana, you can develop flexibility and strength. In addition, breathing using your stomach can help stabilize the autonomic nerves and burn body fat. Finally, meditation has the effect of purifying the body and mind. Through meditation, you can find peace of mind.  

Sources: https://pranayoga.co.in/asana/surya-namaskar-hatha-yoga-sun-salutation



